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Our Vision

Redeemer Center For Life operates from the foundational principle

that there is dignity and value in every human being.


We are compelled to treat every human life with dignity

and to recognize the value of that life.

As a ministry, we recognize one foundational truth:

“Above all, love each other deeply, because
love covers over a multitude of sins.”
(1 Peter 4:8)

Our Core Beliefs & Commitments

  • We believe the Holy Spirit, who is the Lord and Giver of Life, is upon us.

  • We commit ourselves to being in proximity with those who are suffering, neglected, and marginalized.

  • We will work to acknowledge, promote, and support the dignity of every human being - in every stage of life.

  • We commit to listen, respond, and work to support the needs of youth and young adults - specifically, those residing in the Harrison Community of North Minneapolis

  • Most of all, we commit to walk humbly with our God
    acknowledging that we are not here to save, teach, or fix any individual or community; rather we will serve, working side by side, and hopefully, we will learn together - making our community better each and every day.

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